Wednesday, July 15, 2009

American Idol

Last night Jerry, Jerry's dad and step mom and I went to the American Idol Live concert. I left work around 4 so that I could go home to change and get our tickets. As I drove to my house I thought about the American Idol Concert that my mom and I went to just two years ago. I began to cry. I wanted so badly for my mom to go to that conert with me last night. We met at Jerry's dad's house and left from there. Once we got in the door, Jerry and I were going to get some food before the show started. We ordered 2 chicken sandwhiches and a mountain dew. They lady told us our total and Jerry gave her his debit card. The lady began swiping the card, over and over, upside down and backwards. After about fifteen minutes she asked Jerry for a different card, he politely told the lady she was swiping the card the wrong way and she tried to swipe the card again, the right way. Jerry and I have both had jobs where we utilized a credit card machine, we knew from our experience she was not using the machine correctly. After about 20 minutes, Jerry finally told the lady, "It's okay, we'll go somewhere else." So we left our food on the counter and headed down to some other food mechants. There was a stand where they sold chicken bowls, much like Teriyaki Stix, however it was a private merchant who didn't accept creidt cards. We went to the ATM, got some money and finally got some food. From there we pushed our way through crowds of little girls and finally found our seats. I had bought good seats, floor seats, only 18 rows back. Little did I know these "good seats" were not the best. After finishing our chicken bowls, with about 10 minutes left before show time two ladies came down and sat next to me. Each of these ladies probably weighed about 300 pounds (If that people big have to buy 2 airplane tickets, they should have to buy 2 concert tickets.) The lady next to me sat down, filling her chair and half of my lap ( I have no problem with the size of this lady, she was very nice, I was just so uncomfotable.) Luckily the seats next to Jerry had not yet been taken and the show began so we scooted over a seat. I felt incredibly rude, scooting away from these ladies, but I'm sure it made both of us more comfortable. About fifteen are so close together." This made me feel sick to my stomach, as I felt like the biggest jerk in the world. Soon into the show the two people to fill the vacant seats arrived and I was placed back into the seat next to the hearty woman. Everyone knows that Adam Lambert was the Americaminutes into the show the lady leaned over and said, "Sorry I squished you off your seat, these seatsn Idol favorite through out the nation, and this was no exception in Utah. Whenever there was even a glimps of Adam on the big screens that lined the stage the whole crowd would scream. The loudest of all, the little girls who sat behind us. The show continued, one American Idol sang after another and soon there was short intermission. We let our ears rest from the loud screams and booming speakers. And soon enough the show was back on. For all of you who watched American Idol this season you know Danny Gokey, and you know his story. For those of you who don't, Danny's wife died shortly before he took the plunge and tried out for American Idol. I always felt a connection with this guy because I lost my mom around the same time that he lost his wife. He began his portion of the show with an incredible up beat song. The second song he sang was, "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts. I told Jerry at the begining of the song that I couldn't believe he could sing the song with out crying. I began to think about my mom and our last American Idol concert that we attended together. The song continued and Jerry asked if I was okay? I wasn't...I began crying, I had the biggest lump in my throat and I couldn't get it to go away. Embarassed I really tried to stop the tears from rolling down my face but I couldn't. I finally settled down and Danny ended the show by singing the Rascal Flatts song, "My wish." I shed a few tears during this song as well and I thought about my mom the whole time. Luckily Danny Gokey was finished after that song, and the lump in my throat softened. As you may know the person after Danny to get kicked off American Idol was Adam Lambert. Man, could those little girls behind us scream, they had the highest pitched voice I have ever heard. Jerry and I often found our selves plugging our ears to avoid the piercing pain. I would have to agree, Adam Lambert is an amazing entertainer, and has an amazing voice, but the little girls behind us didn't allow us to enjoy his portion of the show. Once Adam was finished, the winner of the show, Kris Allen performed. He is so cute. And he even sang the song that Jerry and I like best, "Heartless." The show ended with the entire top ten performing together. It was a good show, but I was thankful when it was over. We headed toward the truck and went home. We enjoyed the show, and I hope my mom was in Heaven dancing! :)
Kris Allen. Cute huh?

Adam Lambert, the star of the show.

The end of the show, all of them together.

Oh! And one last thing. SCOTT! Man I love this guy. He is blind, plays the piano and is amazing. He's so cute. I told Jerry yesterday that he inspires me! He really does!

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